Saturday, August 21, 2010

ETL 503 Assignment 2 Useful Link for Policy Development

Here's a site with a pro forma for developing Collection Policy and other useful evaluation material.

ETL 501 Assignment 1

Some quick thoughts about the ETL 501 assignment 1. Firstly, you may not be aware that CSU have their own website evaluation criteria. It can be found doing a search in the library.

Secondly, I received some excellent advice about doing the critical evaluation. Pick the things that matter educationally and explain, from your reading or criteria, why those aspects are important.
•Easy to navigate? Yes/No? Why does this matter?
•Great graphics or interactivity? Why does this matter?
•Why could interactivity be a problem as well as a positive?
•Author's name easy to find? Why does this matter?
•Domain name .edu or .org Why is that helpful?
•Evidence of bias? Does this matter? Why or why not?
•Links work or they don't? What does this say about the site?
•What is the student's purpose for the site and what is my student audience?
•Will the site suit their purpose?
•Will it cater for all or just some of them?

Here are some references that may be of interest.

Bomar, S. (2010) The annotated bibliography: A schoolwide instructional framework for evaluating sources. In Knowledge Quest Volume 38 No. 3 January/February pp. 72-75 American Library Association. Retrieved from CSU Library.

Brown, J., Hickey, K., and Pozen, V. (2002 revision). Methods of evaluation. In An educators’ guide to credibility and web evaluation. Retrieved from

Gaffney, M. (2010). Enhancing teachers’ take-up of digital content: Factors and design principles in technology adoption. Education Services Australia.

Standards of professional excellence for teacher librarians. Australian School Library Association. Retrieved from:

Hague, C. and Payton, S. (2010). Digital literacy across the curriculum. Futurelab. Retrieved from

Herring, J.E. (2004). The internet. In The internet and information skills: a guide for teachers and school librarians. London: Facet

Hughes-Hassell, S. and Mancall, J. (2005). Collection management for youth: Responding to the needs of learners. ALA Editions. Retrieved from CSU EBook library.

Johnson, L. and Lamb, A. (2007). Evaluating internet resources. In Teacher tap: Professional development resources for educators and librarians. Retrieved from:

Kennedy, J. (2005). A collection development policy for digital information resources. In The Australian Library Journal. April 2005. Retrieved from:

Kennedy, J. (2006). Collection management: A concise introduction. Wagga Wagga: Charles Sturt University Centre for Information Studies

Latham, B., & Poe. J. (2008). Evaluation and selection of new format materials: electronic resources. In J.R. Kennedy, L Vardaman, & G.B. McCabe (Eds.), Our new public, a changing clientele: bewildering issues or new challenges for managing libraries (pp. 257-265). Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited.

Naidu, S. (2005) Evaluating the Usability of Educational Websites for Children. In Usability News. Vol. 7(2) July. Retrieved from

Nielsen, J. (2005). Usability of websites for teenagers. January 31st. Retrieved from: Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox

Osborne, H. (2000). In Other Words... Assessing Readability. . .Rules for Playing the Numbers Game. In Boston Globe's On Call Magazine, December Retrieved from:

Pfoeffer, P. (2002). Web usability and children: Current research and implications for information professionals. In Orana. July. pp. 11 to 13
Retrieved from:;dn=119869;res=AEIPT

Shrock, K. (2002). The ABCs of Web Site Evaluation. Retrieved from

South Regional Educational Board: SREB (2010). Criteria for evaluating web sites. Retrieved from

Sunday, August 1, 2010

ETL401 Collaboration

Just in case there are links out there to those doing ETL 401, I'm providing this link for an article on Collaboration between teacher librarians and teachers. You will recognise many of the researchers cited.